De Wain Valentine at MoMA (FYI you can follow my MoMA tweets at @MoMAVolunteers)
First, read Roberta's article on the multi-venue exhibition underwritten (keyword) by the Getty to the tune of 10 million bucks. I love the collaborative efforts of all the involved institutions. Next go to "the Era," on the Getty website and browse, take notes, sketch. Review Roberta Smith's slide show too!
I've found it particularly interesting to rediscover Judy Chicago's Womanhouse, not to mention her piece Car hood! There's a lot to discover here and a lot to rediscover, particularly Gronk and his involvement with ASCO, whom I was at an artist residency with about 15 years ago! I remember he told me about having dinner parties on traffic islands and that really made an impression on me. Enjoy the reading and the discoveries, report in, please! Here's another good slide show from Time. Watch Suzanne Lucy in conversation with Judy Chicago, and here's some more suggested readings; Art of Engagement: Visual Politics in California and Beyond, Richard Neutra and the Search for Modern Architecture, The Legacy of African American Art, an overview from Arttattler, and the exhibition catalog Pacific Standard Time Los Angeles Art, 1945-1980 is available at the library!