Sunday, July 31, 2011

If in Hudson - Stop by the Pop Up Gallery in Hudson, NY - 430 Warren Street - 10am to 6pm

Quick portrait pics from the Pop Up Gallery in Hudson, NY - 430 Warren Street, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10am to 6pm.  Come by!!

Jen Mazza

Adam Simon

Adam Simon

Maira Kalman

Maira Kalman

Kristen Jensen

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A visit to Adam Simon's Studio at PS 122

Maybe it was the heat, and right now it's about time because I have to catch the 8:15 am en route to Hudson, New York to install the Portrait pop-up show that opens this weekend, so this will be brief but about looking.  Below are views of Adam Simon's PS 122 residency. 

the above painting up close (portraits)

more close ups

another one gets specially pulled out for this viewer.

The studio table.

The drawings.

"Steal This Art," a project now not so much about stealing as about desire and attainability, access, specifically public access.

Off to the train station.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Through the heat, I hear sound

Th other night, I went on a sound tour.  Lead by Todd Shalom of Elastic City (what a fabulous concept).  It  changed my whole outlook, even though the city is loud, when instructed to focus solely on sound, it was if I was walking through a veil of silence with each sound projected like an image in front of me.

I activated the curtains, and pulled back a tone or vibration.  I created an echo.  Everyone should do this tour or work on isolating, curating their own soundscapes.

Below, Brooke David's red shoes and Todd leading our silence through the heat.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Time to get back on the train, art viewing on the L, M, F and N trains.

Lined along the wall Adam Simon's paintings produced with stencils, which reminds me that he has an opening tonight at PS 122, from 6 pm to 9 pm, linking the invite here. 
I'm wondering why so many of us artists use stencils?  So let's keep looking...a few weeks I visited Sheryl Oppenheim and she also paints with stencils, below a view at some her stenciled based work.

 Sheryl's studio is next to Dre Bregart's studio.  Here are Sheryl and Dre, with Dre sitting and beading (not stenciling) compositions. 

 Their studios, organized by Chashama are at the Brooklyn Army Terminal in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.

From Sunset Part back to Bushwick, via elevated tracks:

A quick glimpse of Paul D'Agostino's studio:

and the last Storefront space show curated by Jules de Balincourt (a video tour by James Kalm explains it well).

Time to get back on the train, art viewing on the L, M, F and N trains.  Next up the 2 to Chambers.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

POP-UP GALLERY PORTRAITS - Saturday, July 30th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM @ our Hudson office - 430 Warren Street

updated press, links below

POP-UP GALLERY PORTRAITS - Saturday, July 30th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM @ our Hudson office - 430 Warren Street

Please join us for an opening reception Saturday, July 30th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM @ our Hudson office - 430 Warren Street. The press release below contains all the info.

Keith Mayerson
Elvis the King 2010
Oil on canvas, 48 x 36 inches

Andre Ethier
Untitled, 2010
Oil on panel, 16 x 12 inches
@ Scot Cohen Realty
430 Warren St
Hudson, NY 12534
(518) 822-1191
July 30 through September 3, 2011
Dan Fisher
The opening of this exhibition coincides with NADA HUDSON, Saturday, July 30th and 31st 2011.
Featuring 21 artists, whose portraits in photography, sculpture, painting, drawing, collage and abstraction present a multifaceted exhibition that relates to the space in it’s new incarnation as a gallery as well as to contemporary ideas of literal and symbolic personal representations.

Scot Cohen
Principal Broker
Scot Cohen Realty
430 Warren Street
Hudson, NY 12534
Cell (518) 755-1191
Office (518) 325-1700
Fax (518) 325-1701

Monday, July 11, 2011

Getting ready for a pop-up portrait show in Hudson, NY, opens 7/30

See the space imagine a pop-up gallery, I can see it and am seeing portraits.

Beautiful picture of Eileen Cohen, mother of the proprietor .
We'll clear out all the furniture and hang and install art from 18 artists (and counting, it keeps going up as we add more work)
Andre Ethier
Untitled, 2010
Oil on panel, 16 x 12 inches

Keith Mayerson
Elvis the King 2010
Oil on canvas, 48 x 36 inches
(ya gotta have an Elvis)

The two portraits above are good representations of two ends of this portrait exhibition.  I am helping Scot Cohen to put together a pop-up portrait show in Hudson, New York to coincide with NADA Hudson, an upstate New York art fair happening on the weekend of July 30 and 31st.  Below is a list of artists and a simple summary of what we decided to guide us.  What really propelled us forward with this show idea was that we love art and why not in this space and then the weekend presented itself and now we are excitedly running around.  I'll post more in the coming weeks.

@ Scot Cohen
430 Warren St
Hudson, NY 12534
July 30 through September 3, 2011

Sascha Braunig
Sharon Butler
Cindy Sherman
David Dupuis
Andre Ethier
Dan Fisher
General Idea
Sara Greenberger Rafferty
Kristen Jensen
Pam Lins
Keith Mayerson
Matthew Miller
Judith Page
Alex Prager
Adam Simon
Laurie Simmons
Peter Stichbury
Austin Thomas (Scot selected out some of my work too!!)
As mentioned above, the opening of this exhibition coincides with NADA HUDSON, Saturday, July 30th and 31st 2011
Featuring 18 artists, whose portraits in photography, sculpture, painting, drawing, collage and abstraction present a multifaceted exhibition that relates to the space in it’s new incarnation as a gallery as well as to contemporary ideas of literal and symbolic personal representations.